Graphic Guidelines
In order to streamline order processing and file handling, please refer to the following instructions for the preparation of graphic files:
Image Resolution: 100 dpi at full output size is preferred. If you are starting with a 600 dpi file at output size, the higher resolution will not necessarily lead to a better quality output. Restricting the file size to 100 dpi will allow for a very dynamic output and will minimize the file processing time.
Bleeds: 1/4″
Scaling: if the file size has been scaled down, make sure it is noted in an email, as well as in the file name. (ex: 25%mms001.eps)
Software: please save Illustrator and Photoshop files as version CS3. Our file type of choice is EPS, but we can use any Illustrator or Photoshop file type (i.e. JPEG, TIFF, etc).
Branding: if your graphics require specific corporate branding guidelines to follow please indicate what those guidelines are. A supplied PDF of the brand standards is preferred for referencing.
Colours: if your graphics/logos require specific colour matching please indicate via email what Pantone colours are to be matched.
Other: please convert fonts to curves, but let us know what the fonts are in case we need to change anything. This helps to eliminate the need for files having to go back-and-forth.
In addition to your graphic files, please provide PDFs of what the files should look like.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Instructions
If you are looking to send us a file, please make a folder on your desktop and put it in the “uploads” folder on our file transfer protocol (FTP) site.
Once the folder has been uploaded, please send a confirmation email to your Project Coordinator. This email should include the folder name and the file names, with a PDF of each file.
If you already have a username and password, visit our FTP server and login.
If you require a username and password, please contact us.