By-law Conformance and Permit Service
When permits or licences are required for the installation of outdoor signage, we can save you valuable time by taking care of the entire administrative process and getting all of the permits and paperwork completed for you — in other words, fewer headaches for you and your team! Our signage services have been painstakingly developed to help save you time and money with your sign installation project.
We’ll go down to Ottawa City Hall so you don’t have to, taking the time to complete all of the necessary paperwork as well as the back-and-forth communications that are required to get your sign permit.
Miller McConnell Signs has over two decades of experience dealing with Ottawa by-law enforcement and we know exactly what is and what is not required when it comes to sign permits. We also have the right connections – we know exactly who to talk to at City Hall to get the permit process started and completed quickly and efficiently.